make your voice heard - save our tips
Under the current tipping system, the average server earns $27/hour. Many servers and bartenders report earning as much as $50/hour over the course of the work week. Tipped employees have made it abundantly clear that the current tipping system is not broken and does not need to be changed.
However, a national activist group has lobbied Massachusetts lawmakers to eliminate the tip credit for 10 years. They have failed because Massachusetts lawmakers understand that servers, bartenders, and restaurants have a model that works best for everyone in the industry. So now they have brought the question to the ballot.
Eliminating the tip credit will lead to increased menu prices and service charges being added to customer checks. Research shows that customers will not tip on top of service charges, especially when employees are being paid a minimum wage hourly rate by the employer. Customers do not freely tip at quick service or fast casual restaurants today, so we know this to be true.
As a result - servers will make less money because they won’t be getting significant tips, customers will pay higher prices, and restaurants won’t be able to retain servers because they won’t work for a flat hourly rate without tips. EVERYONE LOSES.
However, a national activist group has lobbied Massachusetts lawmakers to eliminate the tip credit for 10 years. They have failed because Massachusetts lawmakers understand that servers, bartenders, and restaurants have a model that works best for everyone in the industry. So now they have brought the question to the ballot.
Eliminating the tip credit will lead to increased menu prices and service charges being added to customer checks. Research shows that customers will not tip on top of service charges, especially when employees are being paid a minimum wage hourly rate by the employer. Customers do not freely tip at quick service or fast casual restaurants today, so we know this to be true.
As a result - servers will make less money because they won’t be getting significant tips, customers will pay higher prices, and restaurants won’t be able to retain servers because they won’t work for a flat hourly rate without tips. EVERYONE LOSES.